Hi there.
I’m Michael Oliver -
Self-Connection Counsellor &
I support emergent mindfulness practitioners and spiritually inclined individuals who feel emotionally, spiritually or relationally disconnected, disenchanted or disengaged amongst the hustle and bustle of modern life to develop greater presence, confidence, focus, self-connection and depth.
Presence in my view leads to a deepening of relationship, which in turn, makes life more meaningful. But true presence is difficult to cultivate, especially in today’s world of exponential acceleration, distraction, confusion and disassociated mentation. We have lost touch with the truth of relationship. I'm not just referring to romantic love - but rather, inter-relationality as a whole. That which connects us to our innermost core, to each other and to the natural world.
All my work is in service to rekindling the bonds that unite us, and to bravely confronting the wild essence of these uncertain times with engaged presence. Acknowledging the profound summons echoing within each of us, urging us to stand tall together with open hearts and attentive minds within our individual and collective scenario.
You can find out more about my background here, check out the podcast here, or email me to say hi, here.