Lisa DeLay

How to Start Listening to Ourselves and Others to Deepen Relationships and Connections

Active listening sounds easier than it is. Improve your active listening skills and you’ll deepen and strengthen your relationships with friends, family and loved ones. Lisa DeLay from the Spark My Muse podcast shares her active listening wisdom with us through this very special self-improvement podcast episode. When we learn to listen to others and ask the right questions we can help uncover the real root of their problems and strengthen the relationships around us.

You’ll find something great in this episode if you:

  • Want to strengthen your interpersonal connections

  • Struggle with active listening and want to improve your listening skills

  • Are enjoying the self-discovery journey so far and want more content

  • Have a friend or family member going through a hard time. 

  • Looking for a new podcast to add to your list! 

  • Listen to the Spark My Muse podcast and want to hear an interview with Lisa!

This episode’s guest:
Lisa DeLay is a teacher and author with a weekly podcast called Spark My Muse. She invites us to have deeper encounters in our interior lives and in our relationships using the contemplative tradition and practices such as deep listening, and interpersonal presence.

Continue to cultivate your own conscious growth and self-discovery by joining the tribe!

Show Notes Links:

Lisa Colon De Lay